With the aim of liberating man from his smallness, phobias and doubts, I will tell a story which is true because it contains morals and love towards fellow man and oneself.
A story that gives a bold perspective on the creation and creator of the world, man's place in it and what he needs to do in order to gain a healthy position by abandoning unhealthy mindsets.
The goal of each element of the universe is to express its supreme state. He reaches it only when he experiences to the highest degree unity with himself and the other elements that are diffused in the universe.
The core of the edifice of visible and invisible existence everywhere, the source of life, is expressed by the concept of the Father.
A creation could not differ in its essence from its creator. All are created to fulfill a ratio and declare a ratio.
In order to change, man needs to want to change. I appeal to man's free will and its humblest expression, to decide to be and not to appear to be.
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