"The Dithyrambs of Dionysus" is the first complete collection of the great German philosopher, poet, composer and philologist Friedrich Nietzsche. The central figure in the majority of the poems is Zarathustra who, through a series of internal struggles, ends up in his voluntary exile – which seems to be identified with the ascetic wilderness – so that he is able at the right moment to transform himself and then transform relationships with oneself but also with society in general.
This profound collection, despite the fact that it seems to present a perpetual disagreement that sometimes ends in a strong conflict between the German philosopher and religion, studying it in depth you understand the religious style that he possesses. The Dithyrambs, the triumphal hymns dedicated to Dionysus, are a Liturgy for a "Future Dance", the "dance" of the understanding of Truth.
For Nietzsche the search for truth goes through Nihilism and the search for the way that will help us to transcend the impossible nature of man.