Σ' this small book, an attempt is made to make the philosopher's multifarious and labyrinthine speech more understandable and comprehensible for a wider readership. This reason cannot and should not be entrenched within the narrow framework of a group of intellectuals, precisely because it is a reason that concerns and aims at society as a whole, since both the agenda of autonomy and the agenda of democracy concern society itself as a whole.
It could also be considered an aid or an introduction to the work of Castoriadis. In no case, however, this book, like any other book of its kind, could replace the original work itself. For only direct and painstaking contact with his own texts could reveal the range of his thought, the force of his arguments, the very genius of the unsurpassed thinker.
All of us now, all of us who are fascinated by his thought, have no other way than to talk about him, to discuss his work honoring him, thus keeping it alive, timeless and always relevant.
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