Eastern Sophia

Sex, Tantra and Practical Exercises

Tantra, sex, book

In the new book on Tantra, author and healer Despina Palamari observes that most of us today consider sexuality a "malignant" force, which reduces man to the level of the animal and leads him to the lowest levels of existence.

But in reality sexual energy is the key that opens the door between spirit and the world of matter.

The great mystics do not regard sexual energy as a diseased force but understand its secret and know that it is the only means by which human beings can reach the ultimate goal – Divinity.

When you make love to a woman…

Remember: When you make love to a woman, forget that you are a man. When you make love to a man, forget that you are a woman. Let the borders blend, become one. And when there are no more two people, then there is no desire, no instinct, no passion, no love... Only divinity...

Purification of Sexual Energy

In every sexual relationship, regardless of whether there is love or not, the energy of one partner mixes with the energy of the other. In Despina Palamari's book on Tantra you can find energy cleansing and discharge exercises, healing meditative practices and rituals, so that using them you can keep your energy clean, freed from the imprints of the past, and be ready to move forward with "purity" in your life, enjoying yourself.

Some exercises are simple but cannot bring detoxification on a deep level. Walking in nature, swimming in the sea with the intention of cleansing are good ways to discharge and renew but they are not enough.

Another practice is bathing with water and salt. And it is recommended not only to cleanse one's sexual energy but also to unwind from the day, work, classes or seminars.

You pour water on yourself, then salt (coarse or fine, it doesn't matter), rub your body well with the salt to clean it energetically, and wash off again with water. In this cleaning, as in any other energy cleaning, the intention is very important but also to ask the water to work therapeutically for you, to clean you deeply... Research has proven that water not only listens but also changes its structure depending on the sounds and vibration they emit. If you use this method, you will feel your energy fresh and clean again.

Ancient Secrets of Purification

In the same book about Tantra, the author also presents us with an ancient energy cleansing technique which is the burning of sage together with incense. Sage has energetic cleansing properties and is very effective. You can use it either for the energetic cleansing of your space or for the cleansing of your aura. You put sage in a censer, light it and bring the censer in front of each of your chakras. With your right hand you push the smoke three times on each of your energy centers, always having the intention of cleansing. Then, holding it in your right hand, turn clockwise (clockwise), thus clearing your etheric field as well.

Another more energetic and deeper way to cleanse sexual energy is to connect with the chakras. You can tune into each of your chakras and begin to imagine breathing through each one individually for as long as it takes to clear the trapped energy.

You can also lend your voice to it and start making release sounds from each of your energy centers. These sounds can be melodic, they can be wild, deep, scratchy, even scary. It is good to let your body be free to express itself through the sounds, without judging whether they are beautiful or ugly, without judging what is good and what is bad. It needs your mind to go back and your body to come forward, free to express itself as it wants to achieve its healing. But the most effective technique is the energy cutting of the cords...



For more, look for Despina Palamari's book "TANTRA: Practice in Love Alchemy",

which published by Daidaleos Publications.

Tantra, sex, book

Tantra – Despina Palamari – Daedaleos Publications, 2021


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